MS Savings Calculator


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The Merchant Services Savings Calculator (MSSC) is designed to make the merchant services industry's quotation process simple, quick and professional. The app provides an easy way for people within the merchant services industry to calculate savings accurately when working with their customers. It is designed with a format that is easy to understand, easily manipulated, and easy to present to a customer.
Using this app heavily reduces the time it takes to quote a customer, allowing the user to quickly adjust the savings in order to quickly negotiate the correct price.
Basic functionality includes saving, loading and the deletion of quotes. This will allow the user to quickly access older quotes helping to close deals quicker without having to rework quotations.
You are able to send quotes via the android share system, which includes gmail and drive, as well as having an ad-free app experience.
You can enter your company name via the settings tab and have it appear within the application, effectively branding the app.